In my research and poetry, I think a lot about landscape and environment. How do we live with places that can be slippery or changeable? How do these places become a part of our bodies and lives? And how do we write about our experiences with landscape through poetry?
I’ve been in York since 2012, and this place has probably grown me as a thinker and creative more than anything else. Like, making print illustrations that look like some of the stained glass windows, or writing poems about birds mucking around in the mud on the river, or asking in my research how we get along when a place floods multiple times a year.
A lot of my work is about ‘entanglement’, which can mean thinking about the relationships between people, animals, and plants as being tangled up in places. Recently, I have been interested in how my creative work is tangled up in York and its exciting art communities – how it comes out of them and might feed back into them. So, it’s really important to me be able to work physically in the city centre, surrounded by footfall from these communities, to meet people and get stuck in.
Art is for everyone. I love opening up all areas of my work to wider audiences, so if you want to work with me on a workshop or an event, please get in touch.