Asterisk Asterisk

SPARK* ART COMPETITION: Give Piccadilly a green makeover!



Envision Piccadilly as a completely eco-friendly street that is not just vibrant and beautiful, but also super kind to our planet. Picture a green oasis right in the heart of the city, buzzing with sustainable vibes and out-of-the-box eco-friendly solutions.

This competition is all about spreading the word on why it's crucial to design urban spaces with Mother Earth in mind. By dreaming up a green wonderland in Piccadilly, we hope to inspire others to think about how we can make our city more sustainable and eco-friendly for the generations to come.

So grab your paintbrushes, pencils, or digital tools, let your imagination run wild and share your vision of a greener Piccadilly with us!

Important Dates

  • Upload your artwork: from 1st July to 11th August 2024 inclusive
  • 20 Finalists and a winner of each age category selected and contacted via email by 19th August 2024. You will be asked to provide us with your original artwork to be featured in the finalists exhibition.
  • Results announcement: winners will be notified by email, and results will be announced on our social media channels by 25th August 2024.
  • The artworks of the 20 finalists will be put on display in an exhibition held in our SHOW space at the end of August.

Artwork Specifications

  • Must be original works relevant to the theme of the competition and submitted by participants on an individual basis.
  • Works cannot be longer than 70cm on any side.
  • Each participant may submit only one artwork into either of the two age categories: under 15 or 15+.
  • All visual 2D art mediums are welcome, such as painting, drawing, mixed media, printmaking and digital art.
  • Entrants are required to submit up to three images of their work, from different angles and distances, accompanied by a short description of themselves and their submission (maximum 100 words). The images should be jpeg or png files of good quality and medium to high resolution. We recommend between 960 and about 3000 pixels width. As a guideline file sizes will probably be up to about 2Mb (maximum per image 4Mb).
  • No entry fee.
  • Eligibility: Open to all ages and levels of experience.


  • 20 Finalists: your artwork will be showcased in an exhibition in our SHOW space at the end of August.
  • 10 shortlisted artists (5 from each age category) will have the chance to attend an exclusive art masterclass with one of our resident artists.
  • Prize for 15+ age category: £50 Spark Gift Voucher, £50 Heima Gift Voucher, an exclusive art masterclass with one of our resident artists.
  • Prize for under 15 age category: £50 Spark Gift Voucher, £50 Heima Gift Voucher, an exclusive art masterclass with one of our resident artists.

Judging Panel

Submissions will be judged by an expert panel composed of our resident artists, including Leon François Dumont, Jessica Mallorie and Kat Olsson.

Terms & Conditions

  • Employees of Spark (''the Organiser'') and/ or its affiliates, are not eligible to participate in the competition.
  • All entries must be original, and submitted on an individual basis. An entry will be disqualified if the participant is considered by the Organiser to have committed plagiarism, infringement of copyrights and/or violation of any laws.
  • Any entries that the Organiser considers, in its sole and absolute discretion, to contain material that is dangerous, vulgar, offensive, indecent, obscene, illegal, racist, pornographic, violent, defamatory, disparaging, inappropriate, controversial or that promotes political interests will be disqualified.
  • Entry into the competition is at the participant’s sole risk. The Organiser does not accept any responsibility for any damage, loss, liabilities, costs, expenses or claims suffered by participants or any third parties arising out of or in connection with the competition and/or accepting a prize.
  • No entry fee is required.
  • The results of the competition are subject to the final decision of the panel of judges. No objections by participants will be entertained.
  • The result of the competition will be announced by 25th August 2024 and the Organiser will notify the winners by email via the email address provided by the participant at the point of entry. Participants must provide a valid email address as this is the sole channel for the Organiser to contact the participants. Participants should check their email inbox (including the junk and spam mail folders).
  • The Organiser and their affiliates reserve the right to copy, publicise, reproduce, or make use of the submitted works in full or in part, including and limited to promotion, publicity, marketing, exhibition, and educational purposes related to the competition and resulting exhibition, without the consent of the participants or payment of fees of any kind, otherwise copyright remains with the artist.
  • Participants agree that their works may be put on display in an exhibition for public viewing, together with their names and the short description provided without any fee being payable. Participants also agree to be photographed for marketing purposes.
  • The Organiser reserves the right to interpret and amend the rules, and the Terms and Conditions of the competition, without prior notice.
  • Upon submission of entries, participants agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions of the competition.
  • All information collected by the Organiser is for the purpose of the competition only, including but not limited to, contacting participants and distributing prizes.
  • The Organiser accepts no responsibility for system errors or other issues that may result in disruption to, delay or failure in receiving entries and/or sending notifications or prizes to winners.